Jaak & Tanel invite You to




Enter a realm where past and present meld,
At Jaak & Tanel’s fortieth, so beautifully held.
Styled with grace to echo ’84’s winter games,
In Kääriku’s embrace, where peace remains.

As dawn gives way to the thrill of the day,
Winter sports beckon, in their most inviting display.
From the rush of ski slopes to snowball fights’ delight,
For every skill and heart, there’s joy in every flight.

As twilight descends and sports give way to song,
A celebration awaits, where all hearts belong.
With music, laughter, and tales spun from yore,
We’ll toast to four decades and dreams galore.

This gathering, more than a mere festivity’s breath,
Is a journey through time, a dance with depth.
A day to forge memories, new bonds to tie,
Under Kääriku’s serene, starlit sky.

So come, join the revelry, in this enchanted space,
Where the spirit of Sarajevo, we embrace.
For Jaak & Tanel’s day, a moment so rare,
A tribute to friendship, an Olympic affair.

Sarajevo Olympics timetable
Kääriku, 30.03.2024

14:00 – 15:00 | Arrival and Welcome

Guests gather at the Kääriku venue.
Accomodation check-in and warm beverages, light snacks.

15:00 – 15:30 | Opening Ceremony

A brief welcome speech.
Introduction to the day’s events, activities and participating teams.

15:30 – 18:00 | Winter Olympic Activities

Various winter sports activities inspired by the 1984 Olympics.
The exact list of sports will be announced later or may even be kept a secret.

18:00 – 20:00 | Relaxation, Sauna and Refreshments

Time to relax and prepare for the night part of the Olympics.
Sauna with refreshing drinks and snacks.

20:00 – 21:00 | Dinner

Buffet-style dinner with a variety of choices.

21:00 – 22:00 | Olympic Trivia and Summary of the Games

Engaging guests with trivia about the 1984 Sarajevo Olympics and hosts of the party.

22:00 – 05:00 | Live Performance and Party

Live music performance, celebrating the spirit of the 1984 Winter Olympics.
Dance floor opens for guests and drinks flow like rivers.

09:00 | The Next Morning 

Breakfast and conclusions

Info & Registration

We strongly urge to adhere to the registration deadlines, so that the Olympic Games can be held in a manner worthy of the name.
Please also let us know through the registration form if you are unable to participate in the event at all.

Preliminary registration date

Formation of teams (by the organizers)
At latest 10.03.2024
We will inform all participants about the team they have been drawn into through the email they provided. Being assigned to a team does not obligate anyone to participate in the sports competitions. As is always the case in sports, good results require both athletes and support staff.

Registration fee (aka Birthday present)
40€ per participant
The registration fee includes participation in sports events, souvenirs from the organizers, catering, drinks, and a party with all the extras and surprises. The fee does not include accommodation with breakfast.

A sufficient number of rooms at the Kääriku Hotel have been reserved for participants of the Olympic Games, but each participant must register their room independently. To do this, call or write to the Kääriku Hotel and use the password ‘Sarajevo 1984’ to receive a 20% discount.

Accreditation form

We will share information regarding the registration fee (aka birthday gift) later.
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